
Principal's Message

Welcome to Hidden Oaks Elementary!

Greetings Hidden Oaks Families,

I am excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year, and I’m honored to serve as principal.  Over the past 12 years with Orange County Public Schools, I have been a teacher and administrator ranging from grades Pre-K to 8.  At Hidden Oaks Elementary School, our aim is to provide each student an enriching and engaging academic experience.  In addition to maintaining a strong focus on academic achievement, we are intentional about providing social-emotional supports so that all students can thrive and develop positive interpersonal communication skills. 

The home-school connection is vital to your child’s success, and we encourage you to become involved by joining our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and School Advisory Council (SAC), as well as maintain communication with your child’s teacher.  We communicate regularly via Connect Orange messages, and we invite you to follow us on social media.

I look forward to a great year of learning and collaboration with the community.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly if I can be of assistance in any way. 

Picture of Mr. Longhouse


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