Fifth Grade Supply List
Materials Needed:
- One 1 inch Heavy Duty 3-ring binder (for ELA)
- One 1 inch Heavy Duty 3-ring binder (Math/Science will be left in class)
- 1 pack of 8 subject dividers (place inside ELA binder)
- 2 composition notebooks for Math/Science
- 1 pair of headphones or earbuds
- 3 two pocket folders
- 1 pencil pouch/box (will be carried back and forth between classes)
- 3 packs 24 count pencils (prefer pre-sharpened)
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 3 glue sticks
- 1 pack Expo dry erase markers
- White board eraser
- 3 packs cap erasers
- 1 pack post-it notes
- 2 packs 200 count 3x5 ruled index cards
- 3 boxes of tissues
- 2 containers of disinfecting wipes
- Zip lock Baggies- sandwich, quart, gallon (Science)
- 1 box Band-Aids
1 recorder for Music (soprano recorder by Yamaha)
Feel free to bring supplies in a labeled bag to Meet the Teacher.
**Please do not purchase individual pencil sharpeners for the classroom.**